Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year...New Challenge {Ep 1}

Out with the old; in with the new, right?  2013 seemed to have flown by literally in the blink of an eye. Overall 2013 was kind to our family and through God's grace everyone is healthy, happy and thriving.
I've debated several ways to share this new chapter in Wes & I's life; Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, but I always come back to really wanting to blog it.  I enjoy putting some things in print and picture {although I also really enjoy vlogging}, but for this particular venture I really feel this venue is the best suited.

In late August Wes had mentioned that he was really wanting to try "Crossfit".  Now, being that I had started running {no marathons or anything} Crossfit was not a foreign word to me.  I knew many athletes, especially Triathlon participants used Crossfit as a major part of their training.  I had been idolizing the Tough Mudders and knew many of them trained in Crossfit.
So, off he went...
and...he loved it.
Wes kept raving about how great he felt.  Sore in muscles he never knew he had, but the feeling of accomplishment soon diminished any "defeated" feelings he may have had at that time.
He felt that he was truly giving his body a test.  Test of strength and endurance and he now wanted me to give it a go.
So, off I went...
and...I loved it!
I officially started in mid October and I haven't looked back since.  I can say first hand, "if your looking to push your body's limits.  Dig deep into your emotional storage bank", then you MUST try Crossfit.

I am sure many of you that will come across this will probably be Stay At Home Moms and the idea of going to a gym {in Crossfit they refer to their "gym" as a "box} is either too much of a bother with kids or just the idea is overwhelming and easily scooted to the bin of "just not right nows".

But, if you happen to find 45 minutes of your day open and your feeling like you need to shake up the daily grind, GO!

Wes and I's "box" is offering a 6 week challenge starting January 6th 2014.  Before going forward you must keep in mind that Crossfit encompasses so much more than just weights and cardio.  Its about improving you as a whole.  The machine only works as good as the fuel that is placed in it...right.  We must not only get our external in check, but we also need to be nourishing our bodies the way they were intended to be.

This created a lot of personal tug-of-war.  I've pretty much been a vegetarian for a year now and I honestly contribute my great cholesterol to my time as a vegetarian with some days implementing a vegan diet.  In the Crossfit community Paleo diet is king.  They live by it, swear by and stand by it..for the most part.  
I'm all about things in moderation.  I think its important in all things..not just in our diets.  But, I really struggle with the whole, "red meat" discussion.  In my very humble opinion the nutritional value found in red meat can easily be found in other foods and the fact that "bad cholesterol" is really linked to red meats.  
In short I will be incorporating SOME red meats in my diet.  I have stressed to Wes that any meats we consume will need to be grassfed, humanely risen and antibiotic/hormone free.  

He totally gets it..thankfully.  

So back to the challenge.
Starting on the 6th we will begin our Paleo diet + the 24 Day Challenge Advocare.
1st and foremost I want to say that Advocare isn't for everyone.  I'm sure I'll receive lots of information going back and forth on the subject, but this is something Wes, I and our coaches feel is great start to furthering our performance in Crossfit. 

We each will be required to keep our own food journals.  Will will be doing Before/After measurements and photos and "yes" we will share these with you:)

We will have to attend Crossfit for a minimal of 3x a week {never going more than 2 days between classes}

I love Crossfit and honestly really want to push as far as my body will allow me.  In the 2 months of me attending I can say I see change and people notice change.  Its so rewarding when others see the work you've put into something.  I want to share this with all of you and have something to reflect back when all said and done.  I plan on sharing photos of meals on my instagram account, @SHANNONLLH be sure to head over there.  
I really want to commit to keeping the blog current and really sharing this experience first hand as it unfolds.

I'm going to steal a few of the resources my box shared with me, with you.

Here's to new horizons and breaking down old walls in 2014!  Love to all and hope this finds you all well!